1. Testimony: interesting Life with God
One evening I prayed a dangerous prayer.
A year ago, a woman shared her testimony about her life. She has awakened her husband from Death to Life. She was ministering in Afrika. Her Life wasn’t boring. Her life was interesting and dangerous and that all because she had prayer a dangerous prayer. When she had given God her life, she had asked God for an interesting life. She was afraid of the boring Christian life, that the most people think the Christian must have.
A year ago, a woman shared her testimony about her life. She has awakened her husband from Death to Life. She was ministering in Afrika. Her Life wasn’t boring. Her life was interesting and dangerous and that all because she had prayer a dangerous prayer. When she had given God her life, she had asked God for an interesting life. She was afraid of the boring Christian life, that the most people think the Christian must have.
Because of her Testimony, I’ve decided: “I want also a interesting Christian life.” I’ve given God everything from me. Nation; Home; Family; Jobs; Money…
It had needed courage and trust. And I need this everyday in my life, that I don’t take back my life to guide it by myself.
But God have done so many things in my life since then. He has given me Jobs without searching, The School here, enough money. I can life like a Princess and buy everything that I need or that I want.
God will be always taking care of me and he will give me the perfect life he had chosen for me. I don’t have to be afraid, but sometimes fear comes after me and then began to think: “What when….?” Always when I realise what I’m doing, I run to Jesus and he feels me with peace. Nothing on the situation has changed, I’m still don’t know, what I should do after this School, but I feel peace and I trust Jesus again.
My life wills never going to be boring, because Jesus is my life planner and the Holy Spirit isn’t a spirit of seriousness. She is a spirit of delight, peace, confusing, love. She is like a little child. Little children trust their parents, what ever they do, and God wants that we becomes like little children, who trust him, what ever he do or he leads us, it will become good.
2 Testimony: healing from a bird
has healed a bird.
A friend of mine and I have found a bird, lying
on the floor, half death. He was flying in the window. He couldn’t move,
couldn’t stand, much less flying away.
We have prayed for the bird. We have spoken, healing in the name of Jesus over his body. After the prayer he was looking better. Motivated through this, we have prayed for completely healing. We have taken him with us in a box. After 20 Minutes he began to jump around and a couple minutes later he began to fly. He was completely healed.
When God heals a bird, how much he wants to heal us?
God has shown me his power and his love. He honour what I’m doing.
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